Conscious development is about understanding the essential nature of mind and how it affects our subjective experience of life.

Mind in this regard is the distinction between the Mind with capital letter M and mind with the lower letter m. The Mind is the consciousness, the witness, the eternal permanent never changing mirror versus the mind which describes the witnessed and impermanent, ever changing objects of mind, as thoughts, feelings, images, sensorial data.

The value in this development is the impact oft the conscious state, structure and content on our subjective experience of life and the ability to objectively create the life circumstances we are living in. The benefits of a expanding, developing conscious is expanding choice, freedom, inner peace, equanimity, bliss which will reflect into more loving relationships, healthy lifestyle, intentful and better thought through manifestations.

How to do conscious development? What does expansion of conscious look like? The whole idea is to

  1. realise: I have a conscious
  2. I can with my conscious, observe, see, focus
  3. Consciousness is the non-changing witness, a mirror who merely reflects
  4. Consciousness easily identifies with the objects of the world (my job, my emotions, my thoughts, my family, my body etc.). Identification is riding the notion instead of merely noticing it.
  5. Identification is the roof of suffering and bondage
  6. I can grow, expand my conscious by becoming aware of more objects. I loot at them instead of through them
  7. I can grow by letting those objects pass by instead of holding them, pursuing them, getting attached to them.
  8. I can grow by dropping identifications. There is always a deeper, faster, wider.
  9. I realise that good habits, mean dividing the world in good and bad and forcing myself via the chain of habit. There is only a tree, no good and bad. There is only natural action of forced action by what ever mechanism.
  10. I grow by developing the objects of mind, its structure and content, non-attached merely as a tool vs letting them rule me.

The mind to me is the same as by body or a saw. By developing a better sharper saw I can do better sawing which is good when I need some sawing done. However if I believe I am the saw or if I use the saw for mating, I am in trouble.

Am I the master of my mind or does my mind rule me?

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1 Comment

Roxanna Re · May 1, 2022 at 3:23 pm

Saved as a favorite, I love your blog!

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