If your life is somewhat alike mine, then you find yourself daily in multiple problematics, challenging situation which need the best from you and I am for myself finding myself often stumbling through them instead of gracefully dancing. In my journey the last month I had the blessing of learning how simply paying attention to my breath in such situations and changing it to a healthy natural deep breath, shifted my experience and capability to face them dramatically. It is so easy and so profound, that I want to share this with you. 

The whole practice is 

  1. I find myself in a challenging situation and state 
  1. I notice my breath 
  1. I consciously inhale deep, hold it short and gently, exhale slow and relaxing, hold enjoyingly 
  1. I repeat this cycle 5 times 
  1. I focus into myself, the world, the situation and notice the difference 
  1. I smile and calmly move on with whatever is necessary right now 

The challenging state for me normally occur in moment of uncertainty, being impressed by the enormity of a task, confusion by its complexity. The fast way of noticing them for me is, observing my emotional state. Noticing stress, anger, frustration, clenching stomach, careful alertness are to me a reliable guide that I am facing a situation upsetting my experience with a high likelihood of decision and actions I will soon question, regret and reflect on. 

Instead of my normal reaction of getting stuck, trying to find a way in this labyrinth of impulses, I simply focus on my breath and observe. My breath in a beautiful, free, loving state is a steady rhythm of calm, gentle, deep inhales of a couple of seconds, peaceful short full holding, releasing, relaxing exhalation of a couple of seconds and a calm, joyous, longer, empty hold. In a challenging situation I find myself often stopping to breath or breath very short, fast and sharp. The quality of my breath is much shallower, merely breathing into my throat and lungs instead of my belly. 

Noticing this difference, I immediately start breathing consciously as I would in a beautiful, free and loving state. I inhale long and deep into my belly, hold for 4 seconds, slowly release and exhale, count to 4 seconds during the empty hold and repeat the cycle. I do this at least 3-5 times, sometimes 20 because I enjoy it so much.  

My experience shifts even with the first cycle and gets stronger and more solid with every iteration. I notice how my body releases muscle tension, my posture releases the hunching and straightens, my heart rate slows down and my presences expands from a small sharp corridor into an open vastness taking in whatever there is. My emotion no matter how hard I try to hold them, fall away and are replaced by calmness, peace. My attachment fades into a distance to the situation, allowing for a space to arise in between me and the challenge. The space gives me more access to information, room to choose smarter options and allows me to decide with equanimity. 

Going to bed at night, I often remember these moments with a smile on my lips, as they were beautiful moments in itself and fulfilling moments where I choose the best of me for the best of the situation. I am very grateful I stumbled across this little, simple, short practice of noticing myself in a challenging situation, noticing the abnormal breath, consciously breathing naturally and transforming my experience of the situation for the better of me and all around me. May it be inspiration for you path. 

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