The world is neither bad nor good. There is no evil or fortunate. Everything there is, is without judgment. Merely are part of the oneness, the energy which encompasses all of us.

How you see the world says more about you than the world.

Meaning the judgment you cast, the meaning you put on your vision of the world comes from within you.

If you see violence everywhere is because you are inside violent. 

If you seeing the world as a loving place is because you are loving inside.

Who we are or rather who our mind is saying we are, is setting a filter on our senses, filtering the stimulus to find confirmation to our beliefs. We try to make sense by our own logic, mind logic.

A business-man sees business in everything.

The loving state, the state of emptiness, the state of presence merging into the now, walking the arena, the fearless state, the state of us giving our everything, letting go of our story, divorcing our constructed ego, dying  to live;

Leaves us judgement free, innocent, merely seeing, not observing. In this state free of conclusion and judgement, we are free to experience the wonders of life.

This is a path of joyous living, but if you think you are there with your mind, however a beautiful state of mind. 

Appreciation savoring and loving.

Listen carefully to your words and thoughts it will tell you who do you think you are.

Listen carefully to the words of others, it tells less about you and the world but who they are, who they tell themselves they are.

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